Advisory services

Governance of Information and Technology

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Identify critical Information and Technology factors and implement an ascent plan toward success

Free 30 minute consultation

About Governance of Information and Technology

For the governance of Information & Technology to be effective we distinguish the difference between information and technology.  We consider Information as being data that has been processed, organised, or structured in a way that is meaningful and useful to humans to enable informed and effective decision-making and communication.  Technology encompasses the tools, systems, and processes that are used to create, process, store, secure, and exchange all forms of data.

The governance of Information & Technology enables directors to provide the necessary oversight of how Information and Technology are effectively supporting both the performance and conformance objectives of the organisation within the organisation’s desired culture.

Governance of Information and Technology Overview

IT, or ICT, is frequently used to describe the field that bridges the gap between information and technology, but in reality information should be the responsibility of the business units that need it and IT should empower them in that activity and provide the technology to create, use, store and remove information.

Information is the life-blood of organisational decision making and companies that do not innovate with new technologies are missing significant opportunities.  Good governance plays a critical role in ensuring the most appropriate responsibilities and accountabilities empower and inform all Information & Technology management activities.

Stakeholders have a growing expectation that organisations are appropriately governing and managing their information and technology assets.  Regulators, shareholders, customers, suppliers, insurers, competitors and the general public all have different interests and are beginning to hold directors accountable for information or technology failures.

Governance of Information and Technology Services Components

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Review of Information & Technology governance frameworks, standards and practices

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Information & Technology strategy alignment

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Ethical ‘tone from the top’ that impacts Information & Technology performance and conformance

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Roadmap development to mature governance frameworks, standards and practices

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Embedding Information & Technology governance

Why Governance of Information and Technology Services?

Governance of information and technology services address a range of governance and strategic challenges such as:

  • Information is not empowering the Board or Management to make timely informed decisions impacting the organisations ability to meet its objectives
  • Controls are somehow managing to limit organisational performance and growth but are not protecting the organisation from adverse cyber incidents or technology failures
  • Directors may not understand what they do not know regarding the governance of Information & Technology
  • Third-parties have a growing expectation on Directors for the appropriate governance of Information & Technology

Our expertise sets us apart

We’re a group of leading governance Advisors whose expertise and experience is recognised and respected in boardrooms across Australia.  Our Governance of Information & Technology Practice is led by Jason Wilk who has had careers in technology, cyber security and corporate governance. Jason authored the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) Cyber for DirectorsThe Boards role in Cyber and Cyber Governance and Culture courses and has led the development and implementation of numerous IT performance and conformance programs across a wide range of industry verticals, sizes and type of organisations.

Jason Wilk
Practice Director

Our Approach

The Peakstone Global approach to Advisory Services covers the full project lifecycle of diagnose, design, deliver and embed

Our specific approach elements to delivering Governance of Risk advisory services are:

  • Reviewing internal frameworks and standards (formal or informal) and how well they are translated to practices by management
  • Undertaking a maturity assessment and developing a roadmap to bridge the gap between current state and desired future state for the six key components of Information & Technology Governance:
    • Value Generation
    • Strategy
    • Oversight
    • Accountability
    • Stakeholder Engagement
    • Leadership
    • Data and decisions
    • Risk governance
    • Social responsibility
    • Viability and performance over time
  • Benchmarking to relevant frameworks and/or standards
  • Workshopping / facilitation of Information & Technology strategic alignment, performance and conformance criteria
  • Stretching the board and management to embed the governance roles for the direction, monitoring and evaluation of the ongoing operations, continuous improvement and innovation of Information & Technology
  • Facilitating the board setting the most appropriate cultural and ethical ‘tone from the top’ that impacts Information & Technology performance and conformance.
  • Assisting in the design of reporting metrics to enable ongoing monitoring
BG Mountain Approach

Ready to start your journey to enhanced governance and performance? Contact us for a free 30 minute consultation